Pastor, Friends, and Church Families,
Greetings in the Almighty Name of Jesus! Summer time is in full swing, with a whole host of
constant activities going on in our two churches here in Ireland!
And every good thing that happens is because you pray and support
us as we labour for souls! What a worthy effort! Thank you for labouring with
Two More Saved! Both teenage twins who come to our church in Blarney
just recently confessed they trusted Jesus Christ to save them! They have kept
quiet since getting saved, but as they are so faithful for the past year and a
half, and they have such a great joy about them, we all thought something
was going on in their heart. It was when they finally told their Sunday School
teacher, that we all rejoiced! Oh that their parents would trust the Saviour
Church Anniversaries! June 8th was Blarney’s 9th
Anniversary since opening our doors, and preaching the Gospel of salvation
by Jesus Christ alone! We had 58 people in church, and some of the
sweetest music heard this side of heaven, and then a great church dinner! The
next week, on June 15th, we had 25 in Mallow with three
first-time visitors! God just makes every year sweeter, and more eternal!
Nine get Baptized! Following the dinner in Blarney, we all went out to
the river, and praised God as NINE people got baptized in obedience to
following the Lord! What a day we had! On our NINTH Church Anniversary, NINE
people got baptized! Four of the folks who got baptized were from the church in
Mallow! The whole event was super-natural, with all the testimonies, and
singing. And one of the three Television Stations here in Ireland
was on hand filming it all for broadcast in September! Amen! God sure is
good to us – better than we ever deserve!
Summer Evangelism Team Arriving! We have an incredible opportunity this summer as a
pastor and a team of 38 people are coming from Maryland to help with FIVE
different outreach activities! During the course of 12 days, we will have Revival
Meetings every evening, Teen Outreaches every evening in both Blarney
and Mallow, and Children’s Bible Clubs every afternoon in both Blarney
and Mallow! God is able to do great things, and we thank the Lord for His
servants who step out by faith to ministry the Gospel to souls here in Ireland!
Please pray for revival, souls to be saved, and sold-out for God!
More Upcoming Events to pray for! We have Youth Camp, and a Church Retreat later on in
the Summer, as well as normal discipleship training, and preaching and
soul-winning. I just ask that you bathe everything in prayer so that souls get
saved, and that God just continues to use us, and enables us for the reaching of
souls here in Ireland!
praying for Marlene who has bone cancer, that she has a miraculous
God for our Church Anniversary meetings going so well, and for two
more souls getting saved!
for several people who came out to the meetings recently, but need to get saved
still: Michael, Dina, John, Jenny, Monica, and
to pray for the following people to get saved: Sandra, Paul H, the
Mayer family, Charlie, and Carrie.
PRAY for us to be able to buy property here in Ireland, and that the Lord would
supply the necessary monies to make it happen! AMEN!
bless you all,
Craig Ledbetter and Family
up-to-the-date information on what’s happening here in our work in Ireland,