Vol VII, No. 5
November 1997
Dear Precious Friends! Greetings in the wonderful name of JESUS! The year 1997 is almost finished, but our tasks here in Ireland certainly are not! We have so much “on our plate” and so much territory to cover before our Lord returns Pray that we are sufficient for the task of winning souls and training them to live faithfully for God, and to reach their generation with the Gospel!
Three Souls Saved in Blarney! First there is Ken Manley - 25 years old. He came out to church several times, and just watched me preach, and seemed to be hanging on every word! Then, after a church service, as I talked to him, I noticed he was struggling with something in his heart. I asked him right out what would keep him from surrendering to Christ right now, and getting saved. He bowed his head and said, “Nothing. I want to get saved right now!” And boy did he get gloriously saved! He has been so faithful in his discipleship, and in helping me when I need things done for church! Praise God! A little later, 7 year old Naomi Daly came up to me and said, “I want to go to heaven!” It was sweet to hear her answers as I prodded her understanding of sin and its consequences, and of who Jesus was, and what He could do for her! She gave her sin, and her future into Christ’s hand that Sunday morning, and now keeps reminding me that she is “still saved!” Amen! Finally, Anthony Delaney came to a teen Bible study one afternoon. I taught on how to be saved, and Anthony “ate it up!” I sent away the other teens, and led him to Christ! There was shouting that day, both in Ireland, and in heaven!
Bible Baptist Church of Mallow! One of the ladies in the church named Liz Nagle witnessed to a guy named Kevin Bartlett, and Kevin took her up on her offer to show him how he could find full forgiveness for all sins in Christ! Liz never has been happier than to lead someone to Jesus! John O’Mahony has come to church sporadically, but has never really allowed himself to consider what God thought about his sins and future! He finally came out to a weekly Bible study that I have in Mallow, and had many, many questions. But the thing that helped him was watching a video on the Creation, verses Evolution debate, that demonstrated that the Bible is true and trustworthy - not a religious fairy tale. He went home and struggled until 3am the next morning with Ephesians 2:8,9, complaining that he wasn’t that bad of a sinner! But he realized that he was fighting the One who was trying to save him, and surrendered! Praise God! Amen! Hallelujah! God sure is doing some great things in Mallow and Blarney!
BIG EVENT: On December 5-7, Dr. Kent Hovind, will be here from Florida to speak about Creation, Evolution and Dinosaurs. He is a Creation Scientist with a Ph.D. I have booked him to speak in a debate on the Cork University campus, on the radio, at a Teacher Seminar, at an Open Seminar, and then at church on Sunday morning! This issue has a great interest here. Pray for a lot of open minds, so the Lord can open a lot of hearts!
Home-Front News. Baby Sarah Grace Ledbetter was born October 4, 1997, at 12:30am! She is healthy, and sleeps through the night since the first week! Amen! She is a doll! She weighed about 6 lbs, 12 oz! All our kids just love her, and are delighted to have a new baby sister! Nita did great in the delivery, and the Lord blessed us with a super doctor! My Mom even came from Texas to be with us, and was such a help and blessing to us all!
Prayer Requests: The meetings with Dr. Kent Hovind • The Mayer Family, Mary Tighe, Marlene Layton, and Bert & Sheila Patrick to get saved; • Ken Manley, David Lynch, Sarah and David Johnson, Kevin Bartlett, John O’Mahoney, Naomi Daly, and Anthony Delaney to grow strong in the Lord; • all the folks at both Bible Baptist Church of Blarney and Mallow to become soul-winners; • for us to be faithful preaching God’s word here in Ireland! We thank you for your prayers, and faithful support!
The Craig Ledbetter Family in Ireland